Healing Through Open Dialogue and Loving Accountability

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Part of healing is acknowledging where you were wrong, sitting with what you are feeling, and finding places where you can safely share and heal.

In this episode, Durrell Washington talks about the journey of establishing a healthy co-parenting relationship with his ex-partner and acknowledging his role in how their relationship ended. Durrell talks about the struggle of learning how to, as a cis-man, find places to share and heal in intentional ways where he does not feel judged but rather held from a loving accountable place. He also talks about the need to acknowledge the harm that we, as men, cause, and how doing so contributes to having more healthier and communicative relationships with our loved ones and ourselves. Durrell also shares why it’s important to engage in meditative practices, open-dialogue, walks with nature, and create accountability groups with people we trust.

Durrell asks that more people engage in their own healing and to create more spaces like Healing Ninjas where open dialogue can take place. 

Be sure to connect with Durrell via: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/builtfoesuccess/

LinkedIn: Durrell M. Washington Sr. MSW


Transforming Pain Into Generational Healing


Relationship to Self, Is Also Taking Care of Our Community